Thursday, June 5, 2014

Oh lala

In Rwanda, French is heard as often, usually more so than English. While the government insists they are now an English speaking country, anyone above the age of 20 was educated under a French system, in French. Yesterday I had the pleasure of finally hearing a French phrase I had not expect to hear here, and hadn't heard yet. "Oh lala." Coming out of the mouth of a 20 year old male playing basketball, in Africa, was.... unexpected. So was the context however, as I stole the basketball away from, well, the oldest person playing in the game, who no one else would dare steal from because happens to be a priest... who is old. As the only girl in the game (me) and the oldest player (him), we were pretty well matched. The comments from the peanut gallery were just a perk. It is midterms this week and next at school. I gave 3 midterms today and now have a stack of 81 exams (including 240 short answer question -three per test) piled on my desk begging me to grade them. Stay tuned for another update soon (serious to all you non-belivers out there). I will post again next week when that pile becomes 81/81 graded and not the 0/81 it currently is. 

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