Monday, November 10, 2014


I am currently on Kenya. Tim and I just finished a 3 day safari in one of the national parks. It was wonderful. We got to see tons of animals! Nairobi, as a city, isn't my favorite place though. 

An annecdote from the trip: we were touring around with another van through the park and they got stuck trying to cross a mostly dried up creek bed. Everyone in their van got out to help push and all three of the guys from our van plus the driver got out to help too. I and another woman just hung around watching the spectacle of all these people trying to push the van out of the hole. After many attempts, and many good ideas on the part of Tim, our driver, and everyone else being ignored, the other driver final got the van unstuck to many cheers from the spectators. So, everyone loaded back into their vehicles and we proceed to drive 50 feet down the grass to look at 2 lionesses and 3 baby lion cubs hanging out. Yep, we had been standing around in the middle of the open making a bunch of noise unaware of the fact that we were 50ft from being lion lunch. 

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